There is a word we come across in reading Tibetan Buddhist books, liturgies or philosophy that is both intriguing and enigmatic. Rig-Dzin literally means awareness-holder or knowledge-holder1. There are other words in that language that mean “being in possession of” or achieving a certain state or level. But here it literally means “holder.” So what is being held, who is holding it, and where is it being kept—and why?
Breaking the Prison of Meditation
Light Body 11—Law of Three
Light Body 9—Dying into the Light
Light Body 10 – First Steps
Before embarking on any deeper meditation methods, the real missing link is simple Energy Awareness. This alone can completely transform our daily experience of life.
Light Body 8 – Stages of Transformation
Light Body 7 – Elements Become Luminous
Light Body 6: Elements High & Low
Light Body 5 – Uniting Sky & Earth
Light Body 3-Rainbow Body Myths